Making a Mechanical Door
How to Make a Door in Minecraft: The door is an important mechanism in Minecraft. It protects the player from outside danger while making it easy to enter and exit the structure. Despite the great usefulness of doors, they are very easy to craft. There are two types of doors in the game: wood and iron. To craft a regular door, you need to do the following:
Get at least two blocks of any tree and process them into boards by placing them in any crafting cell. From one tree you get 4 planks, for the door you need 6 planks.
Place the boards in the workbench so that they fill two cells vertically and are next to each other. You will get three copies of doors of the selected type at once, it is impossible to make only one
Take the crafted door in your hand and right-click on the block to install the mechanism.

The door opens and closes instantly by pressing the right mouse button. It should be borne in mind that such a door can destroy zombies, blow up dynamite and burn fire.

There are six types of simple wood doors. Each type belongs to a specific type of wood and has its texture. This is how the doors look following the type of boards from which they will be crafted:
You can only make a door from some planks, so you need to get at least 6 planks from one tree. Otherwise, the craft is impossible.
Creating an Automatic Door
There are many mechanisms in Minecraft, you can combine them and get amazing designs. Mechanical doors are one of the simplest schemes. That is, those that by themselves open and close when the player passes through them. For such an action, you will need pressure plates of any type, at least two. This is how it is created:
- You need to get two boards or a stone and put them horizontally next to each other in crafting cells. You will get a pressure plate of the corresponding type. They differ only in strength and appearance.
Put two pressure plates in front of the door and the back, it will turn out as in the screenshot.
How to Make a Door in Minecraft
To close the door automatically, step on the pressure plate. After passing through it, the player clicks on the second plate and the door closes behind him.
This mechanism works only on the player, monsters will not be able to use it. There are also jelly and gold slabs, but they have slightly different mechanics, which will not work for the door. It is recommended to use wood because of its aesthetics, but the stone will work too.
How to Make a Door in Minecraft & secret door
The back door uses sticky pistons at its core. They are quite difficult to create. Such a door makes sense in hidden shelters since any blocks (stone, wood, earth, and so on) act as a door. For this you need:
- Craft two simple pistons.
- Convert them to sticky pistons.
Sticky pistons
- Place one piston on top of the other and place blocks in front of them that should open.
- Bring a Redstone to the pistons and output a signal to any activating object (for example, a lever).
- Such a mechanism can be easily hidden in the wall. When the lever is activated, the doors are closed, as soon as you switch it, they will open. Passing by, it is difficult to notice it.
How to Make a Door in Minecraft
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How to Make an Iron Door
A delightful door differs from a wooden one in its durability. It cannot be destroyed by monsters and will not be blown up by dynamite or creepers. Such a door cannot be opened with a simple mouse click; for this, it is necessary to use an additional mechanism (button or plate). To create a yellow door you need:
- Get iron and smelt it, then put it in a workbench similar to simple doors.
- Get three iron doors and set them up, then bring a button, lever, stove, or something similar to the door.
This is how doors are easily created in Minecraft. This is a convenient system, which is almost impossible to refuse. After all, survival without special methods of protection will not be so effective.
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