How to get Diamonds in Minecraft:- In the last chapter, you learned how to start playing Minecraft, how to create stone tools, how to use a workbench, oven, and bed. In this chapter, you can learn how to mine all underground resources – coal, copper ore, iron ore, Redstone, lapis lazuli, gold ore, and diamonds. All of these resources are needed to create advanced items. First of all, try to get iron to create a bucket and iron tools, when you create an iron pickaxe you can go in search of diamonds.
Steps to the Ground:
The deeper you go underground, the more valuable resources you can find there. Coal, iron, and copper ores are found quite high, while diamonds and gold ores are found only at great depths. Craft 3-4 stone pickaxes, a shovel, torches, take fried meat and boards with you. Start digging the ground in the form of steps and go down lower and lower. Do not disturb the structure of the steps, so you can easily get back to where you started your descent. When it gets dark, place torches on the walls.

How to Find out the Height
It was said above that the deeper we go underground, the more valuable resources we can find. How can you see the current altitude? Press the F3 key to open additional game data. The XYZ line shows your coordinates, you only need the whole part, the screenshot shows my coordinates -43 / 61 / -53, the middle shows the height at which I am.
To find a large amount of iron ore you need to go down to height 32, and to find diamonds go down to height 14. At height 14 you can find all the underground resources, while you are less likely to encounter lava, deep shale, and bedrock than if you dig at the lower height. However, if you are looking not for diamonds, but iron, then it is worth digging higher so that you do not have to face deep shale, which breaks longer than stone.

Underground Mines
Sometimes you will come across underground mines on the way, they are worth exploring but mark the point at which you should continue your descent so as not to get lost, for example, by a large number of torches. Remember to collect your torches as you continue your descent.

When you get to a depth of 14, it is no longer worth digging below. Dig long mines 2 blocks high. The next mine can be started by skipping 2 blocks to the right or left, as you will see all the blocks that are between these two mines.

Coal is mined from coal ore with any pickaxe, including wood. One vein can contain a huge amount of such ore. Coal is used in the same way as charcoal and can be used to create a coal block, which is a very economical fuel.

Copper ore is most often found at altitude 48, but it can be found even lower down to level 0. For mining, you need to use a stone pickaxe or better, and ore copper is mined, which must be smelted in a furnace into copper ingots.

Iron ore is most commonly found at altitude 32 but can be found at almost any altitude. For mining, you need to use a stone pickaxe or better. In the old versions, the iron ore itself is mined, in the new ones – ore iron, both of these items are melted in a furnace into iron ingots.

Once you have mined iron, you should create iron tools to speed up the extraction of resources
Crafting an iron pickaxe :

Crafting an iron shovel :

Diamonds are mined from diamond ore with iron or a better pickaxe. One vein can contain 1-10 ore. Diamonds are the most valuable resource mined in the ordinary world.

Redstone is mined with an iron pick or better. Redstone ore drops several units of Redstone, which is needed to create mechanisms.

Lapis lazuli is obtained with a stone pickaxe or better. It is more often found at great depths, several units of lapis lazuli fall out of the lapis lazuli ore. It is used for enchanting, therefore it is a valuable resource.

Emerald is found quite high, but only in mountain biomes. For mining, at least an iron pickaxe is used. Used to trade with villagers.

How to get Diamonds in Minecraft Outcome:
Thus, you learned how to find all the underground resources of the ordinary world. If you get iron, lapis lazuli, and diamonds, then you will open up many game possibilities, such as creating a vegetable garden, enchanting tools, creating powerful armor and weapons, and others.
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