Completing all Side Quests in Watch Dogs Legion: Like any other modern RPG project, Watch Dogs Legion also has a lot of side quests, quests, and activities. They are mainly aimed at raising the level of rebellion in certain regions of the British capital.
To take some tasks, you need to complete the challenges highlighted in red on the game map. Others are betrayed by the main allies of your faction: Bolaji, Zero, Caitlin Lao. And we also have the quest “Finding Bagley”, which will help the supercomputer to remember its human past.
Anyway, let’s move on to the Side Quests in Watch Dogs Legion
London Boroughs Quests
Like a clock Side Quests in Watch Dogs Legion
It is best to recruit an Albion agent for this mission. After choosing it, move to the entrance to the clock tower, climb to the very top and activate the spider bot. Direct it into the ventilation shaft, and from there climb even higher (try not to fall or touch the gears).
After reaching the very top, you need to hack the server. By doing this, you will start a riot in Westminster.
Hit or run Side Quests in Watch Dogs Legion
After meeting with the informant, use the nearby elevator to use it to get to the balcony. When you go upstairs, interact with the terminal to intercept control of the drone.
Now you need to get to five different points on time to destroy the targets located in these places. When you can meet the deadline, the task will be completed.
Mind Games Side Quests in Watch Dogs Legion
When you chat with the informant, head to the elevator at the Walkie-Toki bar. After going upstairs, use the spider bot to get into the ventilation. Move through the rooms until you get access to CCTV cameras – switch between them until you get the necessary data from computers.
Do not forget to use approximation to complete the activity. When the deed is complete, hack the ctOS drone to restore the safety net. After leaving the premises, you will close this mission.
Path to freedom Side Quests in Watch Dogs Legion
Head to the Tower of London to meet with the informant there. Here you just need to win the race using the functionality of the road barriers. Avoid collisions to get to the finish line first.
Information Overload Side Quests in Watch Dogs Legion
After talking with the informant, go to the other side of the street and go upstairs. After finding the second door on the right side, continue climbing, reach the terminal in the corridor. Now you need to go back a little to get even higher – use the terminal, intercepting control of the drone.
When the drone is accessible, direct it through the ventilation duct downward. Next, move to the laboratory, carefully bypassing the lasers. Scan the back door to find the place where the desired key is. After downloading the data from the guard’s device (it is better to hide around the corner to wait the required time), go to the goal, at the end picking up the box with the drone.
Go back in the same way that you have already used. Move forward until you realize that you are blocked by a wind turbine – go along the labor to get to the power core. Drop the previously found key there to complete the task.
Side Quests in Watch Dogs Legion Everything Started Spinning
For this quest (as well as for the previous one, by the way) it is best to use a recruited Albion agent.
Talk to the contact, and then head to the corporation’s barge. Use a concealer to gain access to the drone. Successively destroy three targets located next to the Ferris wheel. Hack the screen of the attraction, simultaneously fighting off drones and Albion soldiers.
The Blackhole in Battersea Side Quests in Watch Dogs Legion
After talking with the informant, we go down the stairs and go through the gate. Then we move down again, turn right, and go through the door. Scan the terminal to gain access – upload the key to the system and hack the surveillance cameras.
Next, we open the door and go down the stairs, use the elevator and intercept the control of the next drone. Direct it into the ventilation, move to the other end of the complex, where you can find the next key.
After opening the door, move to the next room, illuminating the path with the help of a drone. As an agent, we move along the upper part of the room (if you fall, return to the start and start all over again), we reach the terminal and scan the network. Next, you need to use a drone to rotate the nodes, and then use it to light up an area in another part of the room. Head there, bypassing the guard cages, dealing with the enemy, and freeing the hostages.
Caitlin Lau Missions
Not Available
To complete this quest, recruit a member of the Kelly clan, and take a weapon with a silencer and a “Concealer” device in your hands. Beforehand, you need to close the Bloody Mary Kelly mission.
After talking with Caitlin, follow the marker on the map. Find the first ChronosX container and destroy it with silent weapons. After breaking open the nearest cargo drone, pick up the package, after that leaving the box on the lower level. Then repeat the procedure, placing the second box in the same place. Break the last item and leave the area after completing this activity.
Also Check: Watch Dogs Legion Easter Eggs
Breakdown of the Deal
Head to the building marked on the map, hack the cameras, and find your target. Move along the territory to the top of the building using the stairs. Then go downstairs and enter another building, after reaching the end, hack the phone, distracting the security. Deal with him by completing this Side Quests in Watch Dogs Legion
Dismissal without Benefits
Here you need a builder with an extremely useful drone. Use it when you get to the place. After gaining access to the terminal, located on a cylindrical structure in the north of the area, then return to the street.
Activate another agent (a member of Kelly’s gang), and already move them to the east. Climb up the pipe and follow the hostage, open the door and activate the “Concealer”. Turning right, head towards the door and open it through the terminal. We release the prisoner and leave the room through the far door. We go up the stairs closest to you, go out into the street, and communicate with the liberated to end the activity.
Say “cheese” Side Quests in Watch Dogs Legion
On this mission, take a builder and arm yourself with a “Concealer”, you first need to close the quest “Dismissal without benefits”.
Once you reach the location on the map, use the cargo drone to take off to the upper level. Direct the transport to the western building, jump off and move east. After passing the stairs, use the “Concealer”, disguising your presence.
Move across the footbridge, climb the pipe, open the door and use the spider bot. After activating it, direct the robot through the gap in the left wall along the pipes. After reaching the endpoint, hack the system and switch to the agent – sneak to the exit and leave the building.
Hard Currency
Change the agent to an Albion employee, but keep the Concealer.
After talking with the informant, get to the desired area and enter it from the southwest. Climb through the window, go down to the lower level and find the hostage at the very bottom. After talking with him, scan the terminal and hack the surveillance camera, which is located in the northeastern part of the complex. After downloading the access files, break open the door and free the prisoner.
Now you need to go to the north stairs, along which you need to go upstairs. After opening the door, leave the site, then talk to the hostage and open new tasks. Now you need to reach the marker on the map and enter the left building. We go upstairs, open the parking gate, get on the car, and head to the next point. Now you need to drop the transport into the river to close the mission.
Without a Hitch
When you find yourself in the location marked on the map, you need to hack the mined car. Moving a little further, we find ourselves on the construction site and we pass the object through the door from its northern side. We rise to the top of the stairs, break open the first bomb, and then go south and go down to the lowest level.
When you leave the building, head to the group of workers at the end of the street, then go to the small room on the left, where the second charge is located. After deactivating it, we turn around and go down to the lowest level. Hack the drone in the south of the location and use it to get to the side hole, where another bomb is located. When the hack is complete, go upstairs and deal with the target. Now you just have to leave the object to complete the quest.
Zero Side Quests in Watch Dogs Legion
Before meeting with Zero, arm yourself with explosive weapons, and also select the Albion agent and the Concealer. When you talk to the NPC, follow the marker. On the spot, take the phone to get data, and then hack the 3 black taxis.
When you’re done with that, head to the London Carriage Service headquarters by sneaking in from the north. Approach the circular structure in the center, hack the CCTV camera and load the key. Now you need to turn right and enter the building through the security gate. We go down the stairs to the garage, deal with a couple of guards and interact with the system.
Get ready, a large enemy group will penetrate the building, from which you will need to fight back. When the deactivation procedure is suspended, walk to the taxi and detonate it. After that, go down to the lower level and wait for the procedure to stop again. After blowing up the next car, go up one floor and blow up the last transport. When the AI is destroyed, simply leave the building and complete the mission.
STORMZY – Fall on my Enemies
After talking with Zero, head towards the goal. When you reach the terminal, scan it and start rotating the nodes located around the perimeter of the buildings. Defend the specified area from enemy soldiers using a drone. When the song ends, run away from the enemies – this will be the end of the quest.
Pick up a silenced weapon and head to the embassy on Zero’s recommendation. You need to go past the fence and go to the other side. Kill the enemy agent, hack the terminal, and then fight off the opponents pressing on you until the hacking process is completed.
Now you need to leave the embassy and get to the St. Pancras station, which is controlled by the “Albion” corporation. Having dealt with the enemy who blocked the path, we hack the cameras above and get the access keys.
Next, you need to get rid of the enemy agents on the first floor to get to the next point. Having downloaded the data from the device, we go back and destroy two containers in succession. We go upstairs, go to the distant room and deal with the opponents located there. Having destroyed the last container, we leave the complex and close the quest.
Human factor Side Quests in Watch Dogs Legion
Take the Albion agent and the doctor on the mission, after completing the Defector quest.
After talking with Zero and the informant at the clinic, we go through the gate and head up the right stairs. We turn left, move up the stairs again until we meet the first enemy. Having dealt with him, we hack the ctOS hub, get access to the CCTV camera, and carefully study the person located on the far-right bed.
When you’re done with this, hack the life support system, then enter the room and get rid of your pursuers. Head towards the next target by scanning the terminal through the cameras. When you gain access to the system, take control of the camera in the basement to deactivate the protective mechanism.
We pass inside the building and find the guard with the necessary key. Having received the data, we go to the hangar and go down to the lower floor – enter the central room and start the system recovery. When done, go back to the top-level and rotate the last nodes.
We carefully eliminate the enemies at the top and then move on to those who are below. Now erase the data from the system, along the way meeting the reinforcements of “Albion”. When the hack is complete, leave the area and head towards the marker. There a recovering NPC will be waiting for you, a conversation with which will complete the mission Side Quests in Watch Dogs Legion
Nobody is at Home
Taking the builder, go to the point that Zero will indicate. Use the drone to get into the ctOS hub. Once on the roof, hack the system, then return to the drone again and take a picture of the building.
Royal Welcome
Take the builder again with his mega-useful drone.
For this quest, we need to find three different buildings:
- Northwest of Westminster (hack the hub and take a picture of the building).
- South of Westminster (the terminal with access to the ctOS Hamm is located on the balcony).
- South of Westminster Abbey (here you have to deal with the guards on the roof and hack the hub, taking a picture at last).
Having finished with the buildings, we head to the Royal Mews. Use the construction drone to get to the hub. Hack CCTV cameras, scan the tablet on the table and then switch between cameras until you get access to the bathroom. After that, you need to go back to the security camera in the office to download the data obtained from the tablet.
Hamish Bolaji’s Quests
Third-Degree burns
To complete this quest, you need to take the Albion agent and a member of the Kelly group, and we will use a spider bot and a cloakroom as the main devices.
In the DedSec hideout, you need to hack into the PC located on the table on the left side. After activating the mission, move to the indicated place and take a photo of the car standing near the entrance. Then head towards a new goal – take a picture of the tablet lying on the bench.
After taking a picture of the camera on the upper level, hack the ctOS hub, and then just leave the room and move to the building located in the northwest part of London. Use the bot and take him along the ventilation hole in the northern part of the building.
Head inward and left until you see a terminal. We break into the system and open the main gate, after which you need to use disguise. We penetrate inside the building, go upstairs and deactivate the terminal. We return to the lower floor, free the journalist and accompany her to the exit.
Parks and Control Areas
Hacking the PC in the shelter again, activating a new task Side Quests in Watch Dogs Legion
We leave for the point on the map conductive agent Kelly. We make our way through the wall and download data from the servers for ourselves, after which we leave the room and switch to the Albion agent. You need to get to Camden Albion Station, enter through the main gate, and go down to the basement, gaining access to the terminal there.
Having hacked it, we penetrate the next location and go up the pipe. We scan the next terminal, use the cameras from the first level, download the keys. When you get the files, go inside the building and follow on to the goal using the “Camouflage”. After reaching the final point, wait for a convenient moment to deal with the cop and leave the complex.
Finding Bagley
To start this quest, you need to complete the “Hard Reset” quest (it’s a storyline, don’t miss it).
Back at DedSec’s lair, we receive an invitation from Bagley. Having received 8 photos from him, we need to understand what sights of the British capital are depicted on them. You need to arrive at the points indicated on the map and take a photo of all eight objects:
With that done, we get another photo from Bagley. Move towards the Walkie-Toki bar by taking the elevator up. Step out onto the balcony for a beautiful shot of London. After that, we go to the indicated area to meet with a certain Bradley – this stage will complete the quest and reveal Bagley’s secret.
That’s it, now you know how to complete all side quests in Watch Dogs: Legion. Successful hacks!
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